Interview with Jonas Radunz (Goethe-Institut Rotterdam)

EUNIC’s spotlight this month shines on our member from Goethe-Institut Rotterdam, Jonas Radunz, who is currently part of his traineeship at the Goethe-Institut worldwide. Join us as we explore Jonas’s role within EUNIC Netherlands and discover the exciting elements from Goethe Institut that he plans to bring to our network!

1. What role do you play at your institute/embassy?

I am currently working for one year at the Goethe-Institut Rotterdam as part of my traineeship at the Goethe-Institut globally. This means I’m involved in all the different activities we do, from German language programmes to projects in the library and arts and culture sectors. My goal is to learn as much as I can during this one year, to be best prepared for my upcoming leadership role in the organization.

2. How do you contribute to EUNIC?

Personally, I have been able to assist with our latest event in the “Fair P(l)ay” series at Dutch Design week in Eindhoven and with support for the monthly EUNIC cluster meetings. From an organizational perspective, the Goethe-Institut has a strong interest in fostering European connections at every location that we are present at. Therefore, wherever you find a EUNIC cluster in the world, you will find the Goethe-Institut represented.

3. Are there any specific skills or experiences from your background that you believe make you a valuable member of EUNIC Netherlands, and how do you plan to leverage them?

In my former role as a Public Relations officer at the Goethe-Institut Johannesburg, I have observed how important it is to never lose focus of your audiences. Often, it is easy to get excited about an idea but then we get so busy executing it, that we forget to ask: how does this benefit our audiences? Are we making sure we offer something that adds value to their lives? And how do our audiences find out about the work we do for them? I hope to bring this into conviction into future EUNIC Netherlands projects.

4. What is the best aspect about being a EUNIC-Netherlands member?

Working within the EUNIC Netherlands cluster is like working in a mini-EU parliament sometimes: we are a large group of people from all parts of Europe, all with our own distinct ideas, backgrounds and beliefs. While it might sometimes take a bit longer to reach a decision as we want to ensure everyone is heard, it’s precisely this approach that is needed for a functioning society. Especially in tumultuous times with multiple armed conflicts and geopolitical tensions, I believe nuanced conversations that are mindful of our diverse experiences as people are more important than ever. EUNIC clusters all over the world have a chance to foster this understanding and I truly think that this is amazing!