Interview with Simon de Leeuw (DutchCulture)

EUNIC interview is back with our new secretary, Simon de Leeuw, researcher and programme maker at DutchCulture. Keep reading to discover more about his position in EUNIC Netherlands and the aspects from DutchCulture that Simon plans to bring over!

1. What role do you play at your institute/embassy?

I work as a programme maker and researcher at DutchCulture, working on themes that are of long-term significance to our work field – ranging from the future of European democracy to the needs of emerging artists in the Netherlands. My relation to EUNIC is twofold, as I have been a Focal Point, representing DutchCulture at EUNIC Global in Brussels since June 2021, and I just started my role as Secretary in the EUNIC NL Cluster.

2. How do you contribute to EUNIC?

As a secretary in the cluster, I hope to be able to create the conditions to work with members on relevant projects with a sense of shared responsibility. A considerable part of that is ensuring that the internship experience that we offer in the Cluster is a rewarding and inspiring one. Additionally, from DutchCulture’s perspective, I hope to link up the Dutch cultural sector – artists, practitioners and organisations – with the programmes that the cluster initiates where needed and bring relevant themes to the forefront.

3. What is the best aspect about being a EUNIC-Netherlands member?

I love the fact that through the cluster we’re choosing to be part of larger European conversations and organise value-driven programmes around fairness in the cultural and creative sector, and other guiding principles. Among members, we can also help each other with some questions bilaterally and directly. Also not insignificant, If you take into account the connectivity of all our members, the EUNIC-cluster offers access to a larger cultural network, which is an impressive asset too.