EUNIC Netherlands is partaking in the DRONGO talenfestival with Speak European!, a series of Pecha Kucha’s.
What is it that’s so special, so enriching about learning a new language? Not just the new people you can speak with, the new books you can suddenly read, and the new places you can visit and discover. A language can give you a wholly new perspective in things you already know. In short, each language opens a new world. EUNIC Netherlands brings together language students from the entirety of Europe, in order to share their most beautiful, most special, funniest discovery in learning a new language.
The Pecha Kucha’s provide unique, personal insights into the value and fun in learning new languages. It provides a unique oversight of the diversity of European languages and cultures. And naturally, this series contains a wealth of recommendations on European authors, poets, artist and the like.
Speak European! can be found on